Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Some Bugger With A Torch

I am tired.

Work is insanely busy and my evenings consists of dismantling stuff, building stuff, swearing at stuff because it doesn't quite fit/hasn't been supplied/I've hit my thumb with a hammer AGAIN* or feeling guilty about not being fully engaged in one of the aforementioned activities (although to be honest, my level of guilt appears to be directly proportional to the level of wine left in my glass).

The length of my to do list for Shit I Don't Want To Do is getting alarmingly close to the length of my Shit I Am Desperate To Do. 

Christmas is hurtling towards me and I have yet to buy a single solitary present.

Worst of all, I've run out of decent whisky.


Work pays me good money to be stressed from time to time so I'll just suck it up. The last of the heavy lifting in the kitchen will be complete tomorrow so that will be a big chunk of my list. On the Christmas present front I'm sure I can rely on the glory that is eBay (purveyors of cheap shite to the gentry) and next year is as good a year as any to start in earnest on my Shit I Am Desperate To Do list.

Once again dear reader, in the space of a few paragraphs I find myself thinking that the glass is pretty well half full.

And if Santa thinks I've been a good boy it'll be half full of decent whisky.



  1. I believe Santa likes to carry good whisky in a good handbag these days...just sayin'......

  2. If I was advising Santa, I'd suggest a lovely bottle of Strathisla if he can find it...other than that I can see you heading down to the shops on Saturday. Don't worry, everyone else has finished, so you'll have the run of the high street to yourself, charming and helpful shop assistants so you'll return home without any stress whatsoever

  3. Libby - Good call, sage advice as always

    NB - Never tried that yet, but will take it on your recommendation. Anything has to be better than The Famous Grouse!

  4. Oh sweetie, on Saturday we will take a wee wander into the town, have a leisurely lunch sans weans but plus wine. Then I will take you to the nice wine/whisky shop and you can try lots of samples and then I will buy you what your wee heart desires because you are what my wee heart desires. Sorry should have put a boak alert in for the others x
